732-998-0108 [email protected]

Agro Transition & Consulting LLC


Renee L. Agro, MA


E-mail address: [email protected]

Website: www.agrotransition.com

Phone: 732-998-0108

Agro Transition & Consulting LLC

As your Consultant, I will assist and support you in obtaining the following

  • Provide parents with the knowledge to assist in navigating the complex New Jersey system for disabled individuals. Remember “entitlement” services for your child ends upon High School graduation (at the age of 21 years old) and “eligibility” for adult services begins for your child. *
  • Review and assist with obtaining Transition Services in your child’s School District. Disabled students should begin the discussion of the Transition process at the age of 14 years old which concludes upon graduation at the age of 21.
  • Attend IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) Meetings to support transition services including a review of testing and evaluations.
  • Provide you with One-on-One support to navigate, register and access resources from such agencies as DCF (Division of Children and Families), DDD (Division of Developmental Disabilities), Social Security, Medicaid      and if eligible DVRS (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services).
  • Provide resources and assistance for obtaining Guardianship.
  • One-on-One guidance for Post 21 planning including the NJCAT (New Jersey Comprehensive Assessment Tool) and Support Coordination.
  • Locating appropriate Post 21 Programs and supporting placement decisions.
  • Guidance on Residential placements.
  • Provide In-service and Consulting to School Districts and Attorneys regarding Transition.

* If your child has graduated and is not enrolled in a Program then these same services would be available. 

“Solutions for those with special needs and disabilities now and for the future”

As most adults know from their own experience, the period known as adolescence is probably the most difficult and unsettling period of adjustment in one’s development.

For the child with a disability, this developmental period can be fraught with even greater apprehension, for a variety of reasons. Depending on the mental competence (the capability to make reasoned decisions) of the child with disabilities, some parents may have to continue to make vital decisions affecting all aspects of their children’s lives.

Since planning for the future of a student with disabilities can arouse fear of the unknown, a parent may tend to delay addressing these issues, and instead focus only on the present. It is my belief, however; that working through these fears and thinking about your child’s best future interest will no doubt ensure a meaningful outcome!

Your child(s) transitional process will include many facets of planning, engagement and advocacy on your part as the parent. In most cases, this is an uphill battle. There are two common “crises” in the lives of children with disabilities and their families; the first turning point is when your child enters the Special Education System and the second is when they leave it. Transition from school to adult- life should be “smooth” and seamless”

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 732-998-0108